LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors
LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors
LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors
LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors
LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors
LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors

LONESTAR Cow One Piece - Blank (25 pack) Asst Colors


Regular price $56.75 Sale

Lonestar are the most advanced 1 piece livestock ear tag system available! These tags are easy on cattle ears and provide superior visibility. This tag is 3" wide and 4 7/8" tall and come in six different colours.

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What are the tagging requirements for this is a sample question?

This is a sample answer for placement! Lorem ipsum dos amet placeholder text sample.

How many tags can I order? Sample Placeholder Question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eget placerat elit. Quisque tincidunt, nulla eget semper euismod, orci elit vestibulum mauris, at dapibus ipsum lorem sit amet nisi.

Sample question for placement?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eget placerat elit. Quisque tincidunt, nulla eget semper euismod, orci elit vestibulum mauris, at dapibus ipsum lorem sit amet nisi.Add your answer

Another question with a longer title placholder. What happens if the question is too long? Does it go down to two lines? I guess it has to be quite long to get down to the second line. Should we reduce width?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eget placerat elit. Quisque tincidunt, nulla eget semper euismod, orci elit vestibulum mauris, at dapibus ipsum lorem sit amet nisi.

How are the tags shipped and how long will it take for them to arrive?

Sample AnswerHow are the tags shipped and how long will it take for them to arrive?

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